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Sam Altman Warns That AI Is Learning "Superhuman Persuasion"

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:57 pm
by staarker
Humanity is likely still a long way away from building artificial general intelligence (AGI), or an AI that matches the cognitive function of humans — if, of course, we're ever actually able to do so.

But whether such a future comes to pass or not, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has a warning: AI doesn't have to be AGI-level smart to take control of our feeble human minds.

"I expect AI to be capable of superhuman persuasion well before it is superhuman at general intelligence," Altman tweeted on Tuesday, "which may lead to some very strange outcomes."

While Altman didn't elaborate on what those outcomes might be, it's not a far-fetched prediction. User-facing AI chatbots like OpenAI's ChatGPT are designed to be good conversationalists and have become eerily capable of sounding convincing — even if they're entirely incorrect about something. ... persuasion

Re: Sam Altman Warns That AI Is Learning "Superhuman Persuasion"

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:13 pm
by mr_iqman
I don't think this is a spectacular take. If you look, throughout history, a large percentage of people have been susepticle to various scams. If a person really wants to believe something, you really don't need to do a whole lot of convincing for them to believe it.